Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kind of aritist

This thought comes from us overseas students. Because of the long distance from our home, we cannot go back there usually, which there are surely separated lovers. In addition, we are now not little child already and should consider our futures as well, so all these things make long-distance relationship harder to maintain. The lovers in my photo are chatting with video to release their miss. The boy is my roommate and now he has a part-time job in his spare time here, so he can save money. Moreover, the one we can depend on is ourselves in this strange place so he is learning how to be strong, how to become a real man. In the photo, he is promising to his girlfriend. He promised to her that he would go back as soon as possible and told her he is strong enough to protect her, to give her their common future. The girl is moved to tears. Stories like this are happening everywhere from my point of view and every time I see photos like this, I can feel the happiness as well. Love is really strong to go through the long distance, to break the limitation of space and time.

The idea of this photo is showing mother love, which is the greatest love of human beings. The doll stands for little child, who is so vulnerable. The umbrella is a symbol of protection from our mother. We also can notice that the sky is half sunny and half cloudy, this means our society is unpredictable. But no matter how the weather is, no matter how serious our conditions are, our mothers are still protecting us with their strong arms and give us a safe harbour all the time.

The whole tone of this photo is kind of dark because corruption in my mind is a dark aspect of our society. I set the main scene inside the door, this means that everyone has a door of corruption in our heart and the important thing is whether we keep it close or to what extent we open it. I leave the door ajar to give audiences a moving feeling which stand for that there is someone walking into this door. The arrow is made of coins and it lead to a mousetrap, kind of trap but at the same time, it is a lure. Because there is money there, that is to say, bribery is waiting there. If you are attracted by your desire for money, you will trapped by yourself and hurt yourself. The arrangement of currency is according to the denomination, from small to large. This means people always get increasingly greedy once you are corruptive. But they do not realize what a dangerous thing they are doing. So we should curb our desire thereby living a healthy and active life.

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