Sunday, September 27, 2009

Really everywhere= =

After the class in Thursday,I borrowed a book from the lab,1000 signs.From it, I found the foundamental elements are really point, line, shape, color, texture.The reasons why the designs can attracted me are the bright colors, interesting expression.Especially comparing the things of the same kind we will find the originality.More creative the disigh is, more attractive it is.Yesterday I had a stroll with my camera specifically and discovered visual communication is really ubiquitous.The aims of most of them are indeed persuade,persuade individuals to vote or buy sth.Alternatively,for the purpose of entertainment.In addition,I found the differences between the ads & visual communication as well.The disign outside should be made striking firstly, and the volumn of information should be small and to th point.It is always the case the pedestrians would not stop to watch what you said,so we should send what we wanna express to the receivers in the shortest time.
However,I found a drawback of visual communication,that is senders cannot get feedback when the receivers get the information.Maybe due to I just begin to learn this area and know little about this= =